I think I've told you guys about this before, but the administrative end of things has been working very hard on trying to figure out how to grant a MICA Graphic Design student an AIGA Scholarship. It's happened. We have an application/essay for you guys to fill out if you're interested, please submit the information to Anita in the Graphic Design Office (Brown 301) by October 5th. The recipient will receive notice within 10 days after.
This is a jpg you can save and print, email me if you have any trouble with application.
Remember Monday October 5th, is our membership group sign up, so bring your friends, bring your checks!
Enjoy free pizza and chat about the film with environmental design students in room 309 at the conclusion of the screening. Carey is going to lead the discussion.
Thanks to Andy Mangold for making some dope posters too!
Good meeting today- great to see some new faces! As soon as Emily sends me the minutes I will post them.
In the meantime, I want to share this with you
- Where the Wild Things Are; it's coming out soon, it's going to be awesome
- Geoff Mcfetridge (WHO IS TOTALLY RAD LOOK HIM UP IF YOU DONT ALREADY KNOW!) is doing the type treatments/graphic design for the film
- Do you guys want to walk down and see it in the harbor or something as a fun outing? I'm pretty stoked on seeing it.
- Here is a cool little article via grain edit about his title type treatment. You guys should explore the site too, they have a lot of really cool/informative/beautiful stuff going on.
Ok so I just sent an email to Brockett that she is forwarding to all the teachers as well as alumn asking if anyone would like to give us a short presentation on the top ten designer they think we should know about. I am still waiting to hear back about that. Also I have asked a friend of mine who recently graduated and got a job in fells if she would like to talk to us about her experiences both working and looking for jobs and anything else you might want to know from someone in a position that you all will be in very shortly. Would anyone be interested in having my friend speak? and, what is the best time/day for speakers to come in? (Brockett said she would be up for doing a presentation she just needed a time and date)
_The Lounge: We are all really open/excited about Jessica's proposal. We're willing to create a "lounge team" to help her with the undertaking. We really like the idea of having one solid color; and then a wall covered in vinyl letter forms from various different typefaces and in different sizes (like in the example image). The general consensus was that the lounge should remain in a state that keeps us design minded; but feels more comfortable an homey than a classroom. We all really liked the fact that book shelves were going to be introduced. Concerned that beautiful design books might walk off the shelves, there was the suggestion that we keep design magazines readily available on them.
_Bauhaus@ The MoMA: We're going to go to NYC on the Saturday; November 14th. We're going to try to combine the trip with the MoMA with a trip to the AIGA building on fifth avenue. Is there a contact there for us to inquire about our group visiting the HQ? T'ai Smith will not be able to meet with us on that saturday; so we're hoping to go to the AIGA building first; and then the exhibition second. While we're at the exhibition we're going to keep track of things that are interesting and further research them so that when T'ai is available to meet with us; we'll have some good discussion points. We're going to use the AIGA budget to pay for the MoMA tickets; and pay for our own Bolt tickets. We have to sign up for the group tickets for MoMA by November 1st, and at least 10 people must be going on the trip.
_Rivka proposed we do workshops on doing more tangible design workshops; things that aren't on computers, more likely to get dirty. good idea for next semester
_Objectified Screening/Aftertalk: Thursday October 1st, 2009. 7pm Falvey Meeting in Brown 3 after screening to discuss film with AIGA group and environmental design department. Discussion is going to be lead by Carey. Everyone is really excited to get to know the environmental design department; and agreed that this would be the perfect opportunity. We can't forget we need to order pizza for this too!
_October 5 Group Sign Up: We're going to do the membership drive. Michelle; Rivka; and Emily are going to be working on publicizing this event; and the AIGA group in general. To do such, Emily and Michelle are going to collaborate to create a basic system of branding for posters; fliers; those little things on the tables in doris; etc. Basically we're going to try to start a guerilla campaign. We're going to make buttons (gain access to button maker through anita) We're also going to place our advertisements in the illustration and environmental design department areas and make them geared to graphic design concentrators within that department. We all agreed it would be really beneficial to get perspectives from other students from the "commercial arts" with a specific passion for design.
_EllenLupton: Special Presentation: Andrew has asked Ellen to give us a smaller lecture and she has graciously agreed to! Andrew is going to ask her if she has any prepared talks that she feel would be appropriate for us to hear as the AIGA student group; or if perhaps there is something she's really excited about and wants to share.
_iCal: Andrew is going to set up an iCal for us so that we can all be on the same page event wise. He's also going to invite people to the blog so they can make posts.
MOVIE AND PIZZA TONIGHT 10 PM Brown 305 I think we're gonna get a few pies from oriole's so get there on time in order to ensure your slice!
Thanks to everyone who came! It was great to see some new faces and the familiar ones as well.
Please See Attached a the current schedule of events for Sept-Nov. There are some physical copies in the lounge if you want to pick one up.
IMPORTANT BUSINESS: !New! Advisory Board/Planning Team: Michelle Fleming; Rivkah Khanin; Emily Long
- Painting The Lounge : I found out from Brockett that the FACMAN have to put a certain type of primer up on the walls; and then we are free to paint it. The work order was placed in the beginning of July so hopefully they will follow up soon.
- Thursdays @ 10 : Movies and your homework. We have netflix now, come do your homework; get support and second opinions while watching a movie. Hopefully the first one will be this week; I have to get more info about the netflix and how long they take to be delivered. First movie is: WEEKEND AT BERNIES!
- BAUHAUS TRIP! Michelle and Rivkah are going to plan a trip to the Bauhaus exhibition that's going to be opening at the MoMA in november. Stay tuned for more info!
- Gallery Space! Carey is going to look into getting us a gallery space for a show on campus for next semester. More info to come soon.
- BLOG Stef is going to make us a blogspot. This is going to be a really great outlet to share ideas; and keep everyone posted on what the heck is going on with in the group. It's going to be super helpful as we will have a lot more things going on. Also, let's figure out how to use iCal so we can all be on the same page with dates.
- LOCAL TOP TEN Illene is going to organize a small lector series where local successful designers share their personal experiences.
- ELLEN LUPTON Rivka and Andrew are going to look into getting Ellen to give us a small lecture
- Design Challenge, Command X Kind of like the Survivor (the reality show) of Graphic Design; it's a game they play at the Make Think ( http://designconference2009.aiga.org/ ) conference, where you're basically given an hour to make something awesome. If your work isn't good enough; you're eliminated. This goes on until there is only one person left, the victor, the winner, THE DESIGNER. From what I understand there is a MICA allum who participated in this at one of the conference; if people are interested we can get him to come and talk about making good design in a short amount of time.
hm; I think that's it for now. I'll keep y'all posted as things come down the pike and become more solid. remember, you da bessssss
UB Student Center Gallery: Globe Poster Exhibit Opening Reception
September 17, 2009 // 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Gallery Hours: M-F 8a-11p, Sat 10a-2p, Sun 12p-4p Location: Student Center, 5th floor multipurpose room (21 W. Mount Royal) Contact Name: Jaye Crooks // jcrooks@ubalt.edu
Longtime Baltimore institution Globe Poster has been the pre-eminent printer of most of the touring R&B, blue and rock 'n' roll acts of the '50s, '60s and '70s. Using original letterpresses, inks and 24-weight card stock, the posters in this exhibit faithfully replicate the original posters.
The posters will be on exhibit in the UB Student Center Gallery (fifth floor) Sept. 17-Dec. 16.
More info: call 410.837.6022 or e-mail scd@ubalt.edu.
-- While he was not involved in this event, he says it would great to see us there!
So far I only have a handful of peoples emails, so please contact me so I can add you as an author (stefanie.ea@gmail.com). Feel free to post anything interesting on this site once you become an author. Great websites, great designers, you name it. Just try and keep it somewhat organized and I don't think we'll have any strange problems. Let's try and figure out how to upload these iCals, also!