Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hey Gang-
There's a lot happening tomorrow!

Membership Drive! : 3-4pm GD Lounge Bring your check for 50 dollars and your info! Money orders are also accepted.

Matt McNarry: Lecture Main 110 at 7pm! He's cool, his work is cool, come listen to him speak.

We're working with Jessica White to get the lounge feeling loungey.

YOU CAN HELP US: Give us some feed back on the color choices; remember we want to work with the black furniture we already have and all the gray that exists in the brown center.

We're really liking Grandiose SW6404

check you on the flip side
mel, michelle & rivka


  1. That lounge just was painted an awful bright color. What it needs is something like a relaxing gray or green, or some sort of dark blue. I would not like it to be an earth tone. That would make the place seem like a cave. Imagine how that olive would look all over those walls... It would be claustrophobic.

  2. i like Aquasphere, alexandrite or tigereye. i'm bad at discissions but I think those are nice..

  3. i like aquarium and alexandrite. i dont like grandiose.
